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(ASRI) Alam Sutera's marketing sales Rp3.3 trillion as of August

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(ASRI) Alam Sutera's marketing sales Rp3.3 trillion as of August Empty (ASRI) Alam Sutera's marketing sales Rp3.3 trillion as of August

Post by Aldibirawa Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:02 pm

JAKARTA – Property developer PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk (ASRI) posted marketing sales Rp3.3 trillion as of August 2014, completing 66.2% of the target this year with most contribution from commercial units.

According to a release, the company booked marketing sales as of August coming from commercial units 62% and residential units 38%. This year, it expects total marketing sales Rp5 trillion.

The company recently launched Kota Ayodhya first phase, comprising of four towers with shopping malls and business center earlier this year.

Moreover, it has launched two clusters namely Helios and Indira in residential Suvarna Sutera, which almost 80% products have been sold to the market. Later, the company will launch two other clusters there.

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Join date : 01.09.14
Age : 40
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