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pengaruh fundamental saham ERAA setelah menjadi importir HP Xiao mi

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pengaruh fundamental saham ERAA setelah menjadi importir HP  Xiao mi Empty pengaruh fundamental saham ERAA setelah menjadi importir HP Xiao mi

Post by wahyumedan Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:49 am

ERAA IJ/TRIO IJ – Chinese Smartphone maker Xiaomi offering RedMi 1S for US$129 in Indonesia. Xiaomi will offer it through Lazada, an online shopping platform in Indonesia. Aside from Lazada, Xiaomi has also taken up Erajaya and Trikomsel, two of the country’s biggest handset distributors, as local partners. According to Erajaya’s CEO, Erajaya is only handling the importing of the products but currently in talks with Xiaomi to sell the phones in Erajaya’s shops. Xiaomi plans to establish 17 service centers in 15 cities across the country and a flagship center in Jakarta. Comments: Xiaomi’s initial entrance to Indonesia is most likely be exclusively through e-commerce Lazada, which will be launched on Sept 4. Then later on, the company may partner with Trikomsel and Erajaya to provide services and point of sales that can’t be easily reached in the country. (CLSA)

biasa nya KZ suka buat target price bagus buat eraa, kali ini kok gak yah..


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Join date : 17.09.14
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pengaruh fundamental saham ERAA setelah menjadi importir HP  Xiao mi Empty Re: pengaruh fundamental saham ERAA setelah menjadi importir HP Xiao mi

Post by dauddirgahayu Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:53 pm

Dia kumpulin dulu kali Yu, nanti setelah punya banyak baru deh keluarin hasil riset Very Happy


Jumlah posting : 17
Join date : 02.09.14

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