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Foreign Movement 11 September 2014

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Foreign Movement 11 September 2014 Empty Foreign Movement 11 September 2014

Post by Aldibirawa Thu Sep 11, 2014 5:36 pm

Asing kembali melakukan penjualan bersih lumayan banyak, di overall market asing netsell 599M dan di reguler marketnya saja asing netsell 426M. Value trading hari ini 5.7T di overall market dan di reguler marketnya saja sebesar 4.6T.

Asing banyak jual:
1. INTP 89M
2. ASII 73M
3. SMGR 53M
4. BMRI 47M
5. TLKM 41M
6. BBRI 39M
7. WTON 34M

Banyak beli di:
1. WSKT 30M
2. INDF 25M
3. SILO 19M
4. PGAS 18M
5. LPPF 17M
6. BBNI 12M
7. ADRO 10M

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Join date : 01.09.14
Age : 40
Lokasi : Bogor

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