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Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN?

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Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN? Empty Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN?

Post by Aldibirawa Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:21 pm

Posisi sekarang:
BBNI 5525 bid +175 (3.26%)
BBTN 1140 bid +35 (3.17%)
Apakah terkait rencana pelonggaran likuiditas?

Jumlah posting : 126
Join date : 01.09.14
Age : 40
Lokasi : Bogor

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Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN? Empty Re: Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN?

Post by Aldibirawa Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:50 am

nettbuy cukup besar di BBNI di perdagangan kemarin 2 Sept 2014

kalau dilihat compare per , masih ada selisih sekitar 4 persen dgn BBRI BMRI.
Masih potensikah BBNI?

Jumlah posting : 126
Join date : 01.09.14
Age : 40
Lokasi : Bogor

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Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN? Empty Re: Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN?

Post by dauddirgahayu Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:16 am

Kayanya untuk saat ini pergerakannya murni didorong sama faktor tekhnikal aja yah. Tapi memang khususnya BBTN kalu suku bunga turun terutama suku bunga kredit pengaruhnya cukup bagus buat dia, orang yang ambil kredit perumahan bakalan meningkat lagi


Jumlah posting : 17
Join date : 02.09.14

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Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN? Empty Re: Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN?

Post by Aldibirawa Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:18 pm

Mmmmm i see, iya kliatannya cuma teknikal aja sih lum ada berita lagi untuk bbni.
Bbtn betul pasti lumayan terpengaruh jika suku bunga kredit turun.
Hmmmm bbni tadi masih bertengger di 5525-5550, sekarang dia jalan lagi tuh 5625 bid. Lumayan kuat juga yah...

Jumlah posting : 126
Join date : 01.09.14
Age : 40
Lokasi : Bogor

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Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN? Empty bbtn from MS :

Post by wahyumedan Wed Sep 17, 2014 4:27 pm

September 15, 2014
Bank Tabungan Negara (BBTN.JK)
Research Tactical Idea
We believe the share price will rise relative to the country index over the next 60 days.
This is because the stock has traded off recently, making short term valuation much more compelling. BTN shares have
underperformed other Indonesian banks in our universe by 21-49% (except for Danamon), since April 2013 when its NPL
ratio started to rise. We think its current valuation at 0.9x P/BV 2015e does not reflect its structural upside from a growing
middle-income segment. The market also appears to underestimate a likely higher focus on public housing from the new
administration and a mid-term NPL recovery.
We estimate that there is about a 70% to 80% or "very likely" probability for the scenario.
Estimated probabilities are illustrative and assigned subjectively based on our assessment of the likelihood of the
Stock Rating: Overweight
Industry View: In-Line

Aldibirawa wrote:Posisi sekarang:
BBNI 5525 bid +175 (3.26%)
BBTN 1140 bid +35 (3.17%)
Apakah terkait rencana pelonggaran likuiditas?


Jumlah posting : 7
Join date : 17.09.14
Lokasi : medan

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Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN? Empty Re: Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN?

Post by wahyumedan Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:14 am

Danareksa Snapshot

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Links to our morning pack:

From Research:

Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional: On the safe side (BTPN IJ. Rp 4,525. BUY. TP Rp 5,450)
We maintain our BUY call on BTPN and upgrade target price to IDR5,450 per share derived from DBV model. This target price implies 2.2-1.9x PBV for 2015-16F. We continue our positive outlook on BTPN supported by its well-structured funding structure between short term and longer term maturity profile. As of June 2014, deposits and bonds issuance contributed 89.3% and 8.2% of total funding. Nonetheless during current interest rate environment, margin continues to compress due to the higher blended CoF. Yet, we view NIM will normalize to 12.2% and 12.0% in FY14-15F, still far above the industry’s NIM of 4.5-5.5% range.


Jumlah posting : 7
Join date : 17.09.14
Lokasi : medan

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Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN? Empty Re: Ada apa dengan BBNI dan BBTN?

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