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(SSIA) Surya Semesta founds new subsidiary

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(SSIA) Surya Semesta founds new subsidiary Empty (SSIA) Surya Semesta founds new subsidiary

Post by Aldibirawa Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:24 pm

JAKARTA -- Construction company PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk (SSIA) and its management Lie Hendry Rusli and Furia Agustinus founded a new subsidiary namely PT Horizon Internusa Persada (HIP) on September 24, 2014.

According to a disclosure, the company holds 2.75 million shares or 55% of paid capital of the new entity. Meanwhile, Lie Hendry Rusli holds 37% shares and Furia Agustinus has 10% shares.

Today, one of the company's shareholders HSBC-FUND SERVICES, LYNAS ASIA FUND sold 3.8 million shares, reducing its ownership to 274.20 million shares, or representing 5.83% ownership in the company. Details on market hints can be seen here.

It posted net profit Rp189.6 billion in the firt half 2014, dropping 50.4% from that of the earlier year on lower sales of industrial area. In the meantime, Surya Semesta estimated net profit Rp400 billion to Rp500 bilion in the full year 2014, with total revenue of Rp4.5 trillion to Rp5 trillion.

Jumlah posting : 126
Join date : 01.09.14
Age : 40
Lokasi : Bogor

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