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(DILD) Intiland injects capital to Selasih Safar

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(DILD) Intiland injects capital to Selasih Safar Empty (DILD) Intiland injects capital to Selasih Safar

Post by Aldibirawa Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:07 pm

JAKARTA - Developer PT Intiland Development Tbk (DILD) through PT Taman Harapan Indah has injected capital Rp442 million to PT Selasih Safar (PTSS) for investment and development in line with the company's core business.

"Thus, the company has shareholding 52.49% in PTSS according to deed no.55 dated September 17, 2014," said Intiland Corporate Secretary Theresia Rustandi in a disclosure dated September 23, 2014.

The property developer posted net profit Rp199.9 billion in the first half of the year, rising 42.3% from that of the earlier year period. At the same time, revenue rose 11.8% to Rp854.8 billion with largest contribution from development, contributing 90.8% or Rp775.8 billion to revenue.

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